Dentist Sherwood Park
Park Dental Wellness Centre
Park Dental Wellness Centre


7 Reasons to Travel with an Oral Appliance Instead of CPAP

Posted by Anum on Tue, 1 Oct 2019

Here are top 7 Reasons to Travel with an Oral Appliance Instead of CPAP.

Are you still asking yourself, “Is it really worth it? Getting an oral appliance for my apnea before my next business trip or vacation?” Get Oral Appliances If you’re on the fence, here’s a handy list to remind you of the upside to getting a sleep apnea mouthpiece for travel (as long as your sleep specialist says it's ok): Oral appliances are small enough to fit in your pocket. They come with their own travel cases. They’re lightweight and they have no tubing, masks, batteries or motors—meaning they won’t trigge

Dentist Sherwood Park

Top causes of childhood tooth decay

Posted by Oana on Tue, 4 Sep 2018

42 PERCENT OF CHILDREN will get at least one cavity between ages 2 and 11, and tooth decay is the most common childhood disease. Why is it so common, and what can we as parents do to keep our children’s teeth healthy? Well, before we can fight childhood tooth decay, we have to understand what causes it. Sippy Cups And Baby Bottle Rot One of the biggest dangers to a child’s oral health comes from sugary drinks and the way children consume them. Whether the drink is soda, fruit juice, or even milk, the sugars in the drink will feed

Dentist Sherwood Park

Why are dental sealants important?

Posted by Oana on Mon, 27 Aug 2018

DO YOU SPEND A LOT of time worrying about how to keep your child’s teeth cavity-free? Teaching them to brush and floss are critical steps towards ensuring that they can take good care of their teeth for life. Once those permanent teeth come in, there’s something we can do at the dental practice that will give them even more protection against tooth decay, and that something is applying dental sealants. Bacteria Versus Your Child’s Teeth The reason it’s so critical to teach our children good oral health habits at an early age

Dentist Sherwood Park

Different types of dentures

Posted by Oana on Mon, 27 Aug 2018

MANY OF US HAVE TO deal with tooth loss as we get older, whether because of an injury or tooth decay. What can we do when this happens to us? Fortunately, the field of prosthodontics (false teeth) has come a long way, giving us plenty of options for filling those gaps back in. Dentures Throughout History The first known dentures were made around 700 BC in northern Italy. These dentures were made from human and animal teeth, and although a set of these dentures would deteriorate quickly, they remained the norm for two and a half millen

Dentist Sherwood Park

Childhood tooth injuries

Posted by Oana on Thu, 26 Jul 2018

WHEN WE PICTURE the ideal childhood, we usually think of children playing on playgrounds and exploring nature with their friends. They discover the world around them, imagine fantastical worlds beyond it, play games, and make friendships that could last a lifetime. As wonderful as that image is, it often comes with bruises and scraped knees — and, sometimes, tooth injuries. p>So what can parents do to minimize their children’s risk of tooth injuries while they play? It’s easy enough to remember a mouth guard during actual sporting

Dentist Sherwood Park

Why straight teeth?

Posted by Oana on Thu, 26 Jul 2018

TO SOME, IT MIGHT seem like the benefits of having straight teeth are purely cosmetic. And those benefits certainly do exist. Studies have shown that people tend to perceive someone with straight teeth as wealthier, happier, and more dateable than someone with crooked teeth. But there are plenty of other important benefits as well. Consequences of Crooked Teeth There are many different ways crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth can negatively impact a person’s health and quality of life. Let’s take a look at a few of the big ones.

Dentist Sherwood Park

Helping your child trust the dentist

Posted by Oana on Wed, 23 May 2018

Even though we all know how important it is to go to the dentist, dental anxiety can make many people avoid crucial dental checkups. For some, dental anxiety starts in childhood and lasts a lifetime. How can we help our children start out with a positive mindset towards the dentist so that they will always seek the professional care and attention their teeth need as adults? Be Honest but Avoid Negativity The most important thing you can do for your child is to not make a trip to the dentist into an ordeal. Simply approach it as a perfectly

Dentist Sherwood Park

Achieve a whiter smile in the comfort of your own home

Posted by Oana on Tue, 24 Apr 2018

Though teeth are not naturally pearl-white, many people seek out teeth whitening in Sherwood Park when they notice that their smile has lost some of its natural, healthy shine. Tooth discolouration may result from poor oral hygiene habits, indulging in too many staining foods and drinks, using tobacco products, or simply due to age. At Park Dental, a dental clinic in Sherwood Park, we help patients understand what types of teeth whitening treatments may be right for them so that they can take confidence in their smile again. There are two ma

Dentist Sherwood Park

What is root canal treatment?

Posted by Oana on Tue, 13 Mar 2018

Root canal treatment is one of modern dentistry's most important achievements. Unfortunately, due to some common misconceptions, many people feel scared and anxious when they are told that they require a root canal. At Park Dental, a dental clinic in Sherwood Park, root canal therapy is a non-surgical, pain-free procedure that can save a badly infected tooth by removing its pulp. Learning a bit more about what exactly root canal treatment is can help put your mind at ease. Root canal treatment is one of modern dentistry's most important achi

Dentist Sherwood Park

Meet Dr. Ian Mah and the Park Dental team

Posted by Oana on Thu, 14 Dec 2017

What we hear most from our patients is that when they come see their dentist at the Park Dental clinic in Sherwood Park, they’re always impressed by our dedication to their comfort and overall oral health. We don’t just fix problems; we help people take control of their oral health. You might not exactly look forward to your root canal, but with our friendly team supporting you, it will be as easy and painless a procedure as possible. Dr. Mike Truong, Dr. Sandy Nghiem and I, Dr. Ian Mah, work hard to make sure our patients are informed, com

Dentist Sherwood Park

Park Dental Wellness Centre Sherwood Park
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Sleep Apnea Screening
  • TMJ & Occlusion Evaluation
  • Detailed evaluation of existing dental work
  • Diagnosis of caries (cavities), dental deformities, wear, chips, fractures, etc.
  • And Much More